The history of Polaris Motor

Polaris srl was founded in 1982 by a group of hang-glider pilots under the direction of Doi Malingri, a well known Italian ocean racer, pilot and writer.

The small company located in the most popular site for hang-gliding in central Italy, Monte Cucco, became soon one of the leading manufacturers in Europe, with more than 1000 wings produced per year.

In 1985 Polaris opened the motor division : Polaris Motor srl, to serve the growing up market of motorized hang-gliders (weight shift ultralights). This section started with the production of reinforced wings for trikes powered by two stroke engines, produced, until this moment in Italy, only by small artisans, or self constructors .

Polaris Motor decide soon to start a chain production of the complete machine, confident that this type of microlight would have an incredible diffusion, thanks to the simplicity of the construction, the facility of piloting, the short area required for take off and landing, and the very low stall speed.

Naturally it’s easy to understand that this type of microlight (actually more popular with the name of ” Trike”) is also very safe, and for sure the cheapest machine that flies! This are the reasons why Polaris Motor always believed in this machine, and has developed and improved year after year, quality, safety, performances and functionality of its trikes and wings. Since 1986 Polaris Motor has sold an average of 80-100 trikes and 200 wings per year. Naturally all Polaris wings can be easily installed in other brands of trikes, with the possibility of personalization.

Closed definitively in 2019






































































































































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